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Scientific name:  Struthio camelus
Class:  Birds
Continent:  Africa
Habitat:  Sabana
Diet:  Herbívoro
Weight:  180 kg
Size:  2,75 - 3 m
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Meet the Ostrich!

It is the largest living bird and, although it has lost its ability to fly, it is a magnificent runner.

The Ostrich also has excellent eyesight, which, together with its great height, makes it an expert lookout: it can watch the horizon and flee at the slightest danger.

It lives in the Sahara, in the desert of Libya, in the steppes and southern plains of central Africa 

What are its habits?

When they are chicks, ostriches are camouflaged against the ground, where they can remain completely immobile to protect themselves from possible predators. Males are polygamous, intolerant of rivals in their harem, and they perform a spectacular nuptial dance. All females lay eggs in the same nest (males and females collaborate in their incubation). The Ostrich is an omnivorous bird: it eats plants, insects, reptiles and rodents.

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Ostrich eggs can reach a considerable weight (up to one and a half kilos in some cases).

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