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Asiatic Lion

Scientific name:  Panthera Leo Persica
Class:  Mammals
Continent:  Asia
Habitat:  Desierto
Diet:  Carnívoro
Weight:  110 - 190 kg
Size:  1,10 - 1,40 m
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Meet the Asiatic Lion!

The Asian lion differs from the African lion in having a smaller size, a shorter mane and a long skin fold on the abdomen. Their coat is thicker, they have a longer tail tuft and a prominent tuft at the elbows. The number of females accompanying each male is usually two,  lower than in the case of the African which is 4 - 6.

It is classified as "endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s red list. The main problems it faces are inbreeding due to the isolation of its population, disease, poaching and habitat loss.

What are its habits?

The Asiatic lion is also less social, tending to move around in smaller groups. This is because the animals they feed on in the forest are very small, and they don’t need each other to hunt. Females are responsible for hunting (as in the case of Africans). They feed mainly on antelopes, deer, wild boar, buffalo and sometimes also domestic livestock they find in the reserve.

Their gestation period lasts approximately 14-15 weeks and litters may contain from 1 to 6 cubs

Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Currently there are only about 350 individuals left in a small area of ​​India, in the Gir forest, and in captivity.

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